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In Pathway search, users can search data of CST associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and CST. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
HEME_METABOLISM CESC -1.368452942 negatively
HEME_METABOLISM COAD 1.42188662 positively
HEME_METABOLISM GBM 1.545840596 positively
HEME_METABOLISM KIRC -1.427184485 negatively
HEME_METABOLISM KIRP -1.693293174 negatively
HEME_METABOLISM PCPG -1.518583976 negatively
HEME_METABOLISM THCA -1.420969351 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING CESC -1.63217835 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING ESCA -1.858684085 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING GBM -1.848871968 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING HNSC -2.034764801 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING KIRP -1.53588576 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING LUSC -1.893749573 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING PAAD -1.609051717 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING PCPG -1.881514186 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING THCA -1.593811605 negatively
HEDGEHOG_SIGNALING THYM -1.75946619 negatively
MYOGENESIS ACC 1.55610543 positively
MYOGENESIS BRCA 1.637724181 positively
MYOGENESIS DLBC 1.955232893 positively
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