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In Pathway search, users can search data of CST associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and CST. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
HYPOXIA COAD 1.714871179 positively
HYPOXIA GBM 1.599880943 positively
HYPOXIA HNSC -1.760637842 negatively
HYPOXIA KIRP -2.003951316 negatively
HYPOXIA LUAD -1.777768068 negatively
HYPOXIA PAAD -1.718624289 negatively
HYPOXIA PCPG -2.213276405 negatively
HYPOXIA TGCT -1.989560474 negatively
HYPOXIA THYM -1.518787446 negatively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM ACC 1.704362481 positively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM CHOL -1.588069564 negatively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM GBM 1.656136857 positively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM KIRC -1.562357784 negatively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM KIRP -2.08049946 negatively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM LGG -1.836673035 negatively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM LUAD 1.597213795 positively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM LUSC 1.420085908 positively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM MESO 1.4271873 positively
BILE_ACID_METABOLISM PCPG 1.544955113 positively
HEME_METABOLISM ACC 1.436173696 positively
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