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In Pathway search, users can search data of CST associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and CST. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
UV_RESPONSE_UP CHOL -1.774462506 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_UP KIRC -1.308820197 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_UP KIRP -1.843136827 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_UP SARC -1.423311493 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_UP STAD -1.536337072 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_UP THCA 1.330525153 positively
UV_RESPONSE_UP THYM 1.338189454 positively
UV_RESPONSE_UP UCS -1.67770847 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_UP UVM 1.408143799 positively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY BRCA 2.101370307 positively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY COAD 1.580314797 positively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY HNSC -1.33307508 negatively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY KIRC -1.66862936 negatively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY PCPG -1.45589953 negatively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY SKCM 1.628101048 positively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY TGCT -1.410138387 negatively
ESTROGEN_RESPONSE_EARLY THYM -1.792640914 negatively
NOTCH_SIGNALING THYM -1.526288915 negatively
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