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In Pathway search, users can search data of CST associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and CST. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
MYOGENESIS GBM 1.47128944 positively
MYOGENESIS HNSC -1.443477377 negatively
MYOGENESIS LIHC 1.805205387 positively
MYOGENESIS LUSC 1.352829227 positively
MYOGENESIS MESO 1.569610914 positively
MYOGENESIS PCPG -1.368742894 negatively
MYOGENESIS PRAD 1.938984249 positively
MYOGENESIS SARC -1.359565785 negatively
MYOGENESIS SKCM 1.707452886 positively
MYOGENESIS STAD 1.745619817 positively
MYOGENESIS THYM -1.421063903 negatively
MYOGENESIS UCEC 1.668367354 positively
MYOGENESIS UCS -2.369712617 negatively
MYOGENESIS UVM 1.34568085 positively
GLYCOLYSIS ACC -2.308730141 negatively
GLYCOLYSIS BLCA -1.62970812 negatively
GLYCOLYSIS BRCA -1.915716707 negatively
GLYCOLYSIS CESC -1.573494592 negatively
GLYCOLYSIS CHOL -2.295316803 negatively
GLYCOLYSIS COAD 1.702692455 positively
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