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In Pathway search, users can search data of TEN1 associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and TEN1. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
XENOBIOTIC_METABOLISM READ 1.665271676 positively
XENOBIOTIC_METABOLISM SARC 1.73826638 positively
XENOBIOTIC_METABOLISM SKCM 1.635875529 positively
XENOBIOTIC_METABOLISM STAD 1.568221705 positively
XENOBIOTIC_METABOLISM TGCT 1.537299248 positively
XENOBIOTIC_METABOLISM THYM 1.296665837 positively
XENOBIOTIC_METABOLISM UVM 1.326987038 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING BLCA -2.047771513 negatively
MTORC1_SIGNALING CHOL -1.39474934 negatively
MTORC1_SIGNALING ESCA 1.585714086 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING GBM 1.844032026 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING LGG 1.407057984 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING LUAD 1.439714679 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING LUSC 2.07387375 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING OV 1.561173565 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING STAD 1.830436931 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING TGCT 2.434129976 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING THYM 1.397773376 positively
MTORC1_SIGNALING UCEC -1.517870472 negatively
MTORC1_SIGNALING UVM -1.332350771 negatively
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