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In Pathway search, users can search data of TEN1 associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and TEN1. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP LIHC -1.493188761 negatively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP LUAD -1.496964023 negatively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP LUSC -1.707948522 negatively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP PAAD -1.909769622 negatively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP PRAD -2.034190651 negatively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP READ -1.56787444 negatively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP SARC 1.587042019 positively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP SKCM -1.555851978 negatively
KRAS_SIGNALING_UP UVM -1.326355462 negatively
E2F_TARGETS ACC -2.296913384 negatively
E2F_TARGETS BLCA -2.936214769 negatively
E2F_TARGETS CESC 1.627481138 positively
E2F_TARGETS DLBC -1.432753468 negatively
E2F_TARGETS GBM -1.780215145 negatively
E2F_TARGETS HNSC -1.453629029 negatively
E2F_TARGETS KIRP -1.625181716 negatively
E2F_TARGETS LAML -1.541754534 negatively
E2F_TARGETS LGG 2.20638465 positively
E2F_TARGETS LIHC -1.422468125 negatively
E2F_TARGETS LUSC 1.858029051 positively
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