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In Pathway search, users can search data of TEN1 associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and TEN1. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
UV_RESPONSE_DN CESC -2.254100005 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN CHOL -1.880434597 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN COAD -2.462051417 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN DLBC -2.082274156 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN ESCA -1.751910837 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN GBM -2.166939008 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN HNSC -2.641572026 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN KICH -2.088826592 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN KIRC -2.409304824 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN KIRP -2.321185534 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN LAML -1.662560098 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN LGG -2.207411574 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN LIHC -2.218834081 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN LUAD -2.345011282 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN LUSC -2.647047895 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN MESO -2.263894806 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN OV -1.923920327 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN PAAD -2.469957168 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN PCPG -2.246898681 negatively
UV_RESPONSE_DN PRAD -2.43051727 negatively
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