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In Pathway search, users can search data of TEN1 associated pathways by selecting pathways and cancer types.


This table shows positive or negetive associations between hallmark gene sets and TEN1. Enrichment score was calculated by gene set enrichment analysis.

Pathway Cancer Enrichment Score Association
G2M_CHECKPOINT KIRP -1.869347576 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT LAML -1.579729703 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT LGG 1.835745318 positively
G2M_CHECKPOINT LIHC -1.91408649 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT LUAD -2.042791137 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT MESO -2.03403126 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT OV -1.448668063 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT PAAD -1.428380619 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT PCPG -2.30149149 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT PRAD -1.895852157 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT READ -2.547627457 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT SARC -2.253160723 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT SKCM -2.065103055 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT STAD -1.377492984 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT THCA -1.722938294 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT THYM -1.80602837 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT UCEC -2.405941553 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT UCS -1.412357336 negatively
G2M_CHECKPOINT UVM -1.918581952 negatively
ANDROGEN_RESPONSE ACC -1.479179038 negatively
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