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In Drug search, users can search candidate drugs/compounds that associate with TEN1.


This table shows chemicals/drugs, their mechanism of action(MOA) and association with TEN1.

Chemical Cancer MOA Association
arachidonyl-trifluoro-methane UVM Cytosolic phospholipase inhibitor negatively
AZ-10417808 UVM Caspase inhibitor negatively
azithromycin UVM Bacterial 50S ribosomal subunit inhibitor negatively
bicuculline UVM GABA receptor antagonist negatively
BIIB021 UVM HSP inhibitor negatively
bisacodyl UVM Laxative negatively
BIX-01294 UVM Histone lysine methyltransferase inhibitor negatively
BNTX UVM Opioid receptor antagonist negatively
BX-912 UVM Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor negatively
CA-074-Me UVM Cathepsin inhibitor negatively
calpeptin UVM Calpain inhibitor negatively
calyculin UVM Protein phosphatase inhibitor negatively
cephaeline UVM Protein synthesis inhibitor negatively
clopidogrel UVM Purinergic receptor antagonist negatively
cobalt(II)-chloride UVM HSP inducer negatively
CS-110266 UVM Dopamine receptor agonist negatively
cycloheximide UVM Protein synthesis inhibitor negatively
cyproheptadine UVM Histamine receptor antagonist negatively
dapsone UVM Bacterial antifolate negatively
digitoxigenin UVM ATPase inhibitor negatively
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