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In Drug search, users can search candidate drugs/compounds that associate with TEN1.


This table shows chemicals/drugs, their mechanism of action(MOA) and association with TEN1.

Chemical Cancer MOA Association
PI-103 THYM MTOR inhibitor negatively
PI-828 THYM PI3K inhibitor negatively
PIK-90 THYM PI3K inhibitor negatively
piperacillin THYM Bacterial cell wall synthesis inhibitor negatively
piperlongumine THYM Glutathione transferase inhibitor negatively
PJ-34 THYM PARP inhibitor negatively
PP-30 THYM RAF inhibitor negatively
proscillaridin THYM ATPase inhibitor negatively
prostaglandin-e1 THYM Prostanoid receptor agonist negatively
puromycin THYM Protein synthesis inhibitor negatively
pyrvinium-pamoate THYM AKT inhibitor negatively
QL-X-138 THYM MTOR inhibitor negatively
QL-XII-47 THYM BTK inhibitor negatively
radicicol THYM HSP inhibitor negatively
retinol THYM Retinoid receptor ligand negatively
RO-90-7501 THYM Beta amyloid inhibitor negatively
sarmentogenin THYM ATPase inhibitor negatively
SID-26681509 THYM Cathepsin inhibitor negatively
strophanthidin THYM ATPase inhibitor negatively
SU-11652 THYM Tyrosine kinase inhibitor negatively
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