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In Drug search, users can search candidate drugs/compounds that associate with CST.


This table shows chemicals/drugs, their mechanism of action(MOA) and association with CST.

Chemical Cancer MOA Association
VU-0418947-2 THYM HIF modulator negatively
WR-216174 THYM PFMRK inhibitor negatively
WYE-125132 THYM MTOR inhibitor negatively
WZ-3146 THYM EGFR inhibitor negatively
xaliproden THYM Serotonin receptor agonist negatively
ZSTK-474 THYM PI3K inhibitor negatively
adipiodone UCEC Contrast agent negatively
AGK-2 UCEC SIRT inhibitor negatively
AZ-10417808 UCEC Caspase inhibitor negatively
BAY-K8644 UCEC Calcium channel activator negatively
BNTX UCEC Opioid receptor antagonist negatively
brivanib UCEC FGFR inhibitor negatively
bromhexine UCEC Mucolytic agent negatively
bucladesine UCEC Adenosine receptor agonist negatively
CA-074-Me UCEC Cathepsin inhibitor negatively
calpeptin UCEC Calpain inhibitor negatively
calyculin UCEC Protein phosphatase inhibitor negatively
cobalt(II)-chloride UCEC HSP inducer negatively
flucloxacillin UCEC Bacterial cell wall synthesis inhibitor negatively
genipin UCEC Choleretic agent negatively
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