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In Drug search, users can search candidate drugs/compounds that associate with CST.


This table shows chemicals/drugs, their mechanism of action(MOA) and association with CST.

Chemical Cancer MOA Association
calpeptin THYM Calpain inhibitor negatively
calyculin THYM Protein phosphatase inhibitor negatively
CCCP THYM Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler negatively
CGK-733 THYM ATR kinase inhibitor negatively
cobalt(II)-chloride THYM HSP inducer negatively
crizotinib THYM ALK inhibitor negatively
CS-110266 THYM Dopamine receptor agonist negatively
cucurbitacin-i THYM JAK inhibitor negatively
cyclosporin-a THYM Calcineurin inhibitor negatively
dapsone THYM Bacterial antifolate negatively
diphenyleneiodonium THYM Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor negatively
dorsomorphin THYM AMPK inhibitor negatively
EI-346-erlotinib-analog THYM EGFR inhibitor negatively
embelin THYM HCV inhibitor negatively
entinostat THYM HDAC inhibitor negatively
estradiol-valerate THYM Estrogen receptor agonist negatively
etacrynic-acid THYM Sodium/potassium/chloride transporter inhibitor negatively
FCCP THYM Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler negatively
geldanamycin THYM HSP inhibitor negatively
heliomycin THYM ATP synthase inhibitor negatively
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