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In Drug search, users can search candidate drugs/compounds that associate with Shelterin.


This table shows chemicals/drugs, their mechanism of action(MOA) and association with shelterin.

Chemical Cancer MOA Association
A-443654 ESCA pan-AKT inhibitor negatively
A-770041 TGCT Src inhibitor negatively
A-770041 THCA Src inhibitor negatively
A-770041 ESCA Src inhibitor negatively
ABT-263 UCS Bcl-2 inhibitor negatively
ABT-263 PAAD Bcl-2 inhibitor negatively
ABT-263 UVM Bcl-2 inhibitor negatively
ABT-263 THYM Bcl-2 inhibitor negatively
ABT-263 GBM Bcl-2 inhibitor negatively
ABT-888 PAAD PPAR inhibitor negatively
ABT-888 CHOL PPAR inhibitor negatively
ABT-888 UCEC PPAR inhibitor negatively
ABT-888 THYM PPAR inhibitor negatively
ABT-888 UVM PPAR inhibitor negatively
AG-014699 BLCA PARP inhibitor negatively
AG-014699 SARC PARP inhibitor negatively
AG-014699 PAAD PARP inhibitor negatively
AG-014699 TGCT PARP inhibitor negatively
AG-014699 ESCA PARP inhibitor negatively
AKT-inhibitor-VIII TGCT negatively
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