//standard input format with annotation 1 // type: when type=1,we evaluate whether there is fusion between every two genes in your file // when type=2,we evaluate whether there is fusion between 0th gene and 1th gene, 2th gene and 3th gene,(i)th gene and (i+1)th gene gene0 //line with only one 'word'(no space inside) is regarded as gene name thus a separator for data of different gene 1 3 2 4 5 3 6 7 2 8 //one line for each exon,in which data of each experiment is seperated by space //The gene you use shouldn't have too many exons, less than 15 for the best. //This is due to LSTM's input size. //If you want to do prediction on genes with much more exons,you can adjust the code, and train a model yourself. //The code is on github: https://github.com/faded53222/Predict-fusions-using-exon-counts 4 2 19 0.5 0 gene1 14 53 45 67 123 23 54 63 13 424 //the number of exons can differ in different genes //the number of experiments should be same gene2 90 123 435 542 123