As illustrated before,the model's final output is a float number between [0,1].
In previous tests, we assume there is fusion when the output is above 0.5 and get precision around 65%.
To get lower false positive rate, we can increase the threshold of selecting fusions to 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9.
In the joint dataset .
Accuracy on Test Set: 63.6296 %
total: 9417 real=1,predict=1: 1863 real=1,predict=0: 2367 real=0,predict=1: 1058 real=0,predict=0: 4129
Precision on Test Set: 63.7795 %
Precision when above 0.6: 65.1246 % total num (positive and false positive) is 843
Precision when above 0.7: 74.1021 % total num is 529
Precision when above 0.8: 76.4463 % total num is 242
Precision when above 0.9: 83.8710 % total num is 31
We can see that,there is a clearly precision increase at higher threshold.